Our website is full of information and resources to kept you up to date. On our home page, you can view the current court conditions via our webcam, and you can find shortcuts to the YourCourts login page and our Facebook page. You can view our upcoming club events as well as RSVP and register for events like Round Robins, Club Championships, and our Junior Program. Under the "Members" drop-down menu above, you will find important resources to help you take advantage of your membership: Our online Directory, list of Weekly Groups, recent News, and the Recommendation form to recommend other applicants for membership. To view the online directory, first log into your member account.
Release of Liability, Member Handbook, Code of Conduct: All members and their guests must sign the Release of Liability before swimming in the pool. Please take the time to regularly review the Member Handbook as it contains important information about our rules, policies and etiquette. Of note is our dress code, a description of our services, swimming pool rules, court usage and sweeping etiquette, ball machine use, our guest policy, group use policy, and volunteer opportunities. Please also review our Code of Conduct.
As part of the Stowe Tennis Club community, we expect you to know and adhere to our rules and policies, and of course treat each other, our staff, and our facilities with respect. Thank you in advance, and we look forward to seeing you at the club! If you have any questions, feel free to email or call.
Club Manager