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Our Resident Pro Mike Tasi is a USPTA ELITE CERTIFIED tennis professional. Before and during his tenure at Stowe Tennis Club, Mike has held positions at some of the most prestigious clubs throughout the U.S. including The Palm Beach Bath & Tennis, Ibis Country Club in Florida and the Country Club in Brookline, MA. Most recently, he was an integral part of The Executive Tennis Academy at The Vintage Club in Indian Wells, CA.

Mike is also an advisory staff member for Adidas and Head racquet sports.

Non-members and members alike are welcome to participate in lessons at Stowe Tennis Club. Please call our Pro Shop at (802) 253-8250 to reserve. 


 Member  Non-Member
 Private 60 min $75 $90
 Private 30 min $45 $55
 Private 90 min $120 $140
 Semi-Private 60 $80 $95
 Semi-Private 90 $130 $150

 Three and Me Clinic (60 min) $30 per person
 Tuesday Clinic $25 per person
 Doubles Clinic (90 min) $35 per person
 Junior Clinic (60 min) $25 per junior
Thursday 3.5 Clinic$25 per person

Racket Stringing 

Visit the the pro shop and drop off your racket for stringing. Mike Tasi will provide an estimate and approximate turn-around time. 

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