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Mixed-Up Doubles Round Robin

Each Sunday at 3pm meet with your fellow members to mix it up and have fun rotating through this casual round robin. 

Men's 3.5 Round Robin

Mondays and Fridays at 10am come play with other players rated NTRP 3.5 or higher. Please sign up on the bulletin board at the club by Saturday at 4pm and Wednesday at 4pm respectively.

Women's 3.5

NTRP ladies 3.5 and higher weekly round robin group meets Monday evenings 5:00-7:00pm (4:00-6:00pm in the fall) Sign-up is hosted on YourCourts under Club Events and closes the Sunday before each Monday at 4pm.  

Women's Round Robin

Each Monday afternoon starting at 4:30pm and each Thursday morning starting at 10:00am join other ladies in this approachable and friendly round robin. Please sign up for Thursday morning only on the bulletin board by Tuesday at 4pm. 

Mert's Men

For our more mature men, Mert's round robin is Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:00am.

Men's Night

Each Wednesday evening starting at 4:30pm is men's night. Bring your own balls, beverages, and snacks.

Mixed Clinic with Mike Tasi, 3.0 and above

Starting at 5:30pm, this 60-minute mixed clinic is for players rated 3.0 and above and includes live-ball drills focusing on strategy, stroke production and tactics in a fast-paced environment. A maximum of 6 players (men and women) can sign-up each week with a minimum of 3 players. The cost is $20 with the clinics beginning on Wednesday, June 19th. Please call the Pro Shop to sign-up (253-8250).

The Heavy Hitters

Each Thursday evening men with a NTRP rating of 4.0 and higher play singles starting at 5:30 PM. Please get in touch with James Knittle to sign up. 

Family Night

Each Saturday of the summer (Starting June 22nd) from 4-6pm, member families are invited to a night of fun for the whole family including on-court games, junior ladder matches, junior/adult clinics and family match play/round robins. Pool time to follow, and dinner provided by the club once a month.

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